The Beta Way
A Unique Holistic Wellness Program
Overcome that powerless feeling of physical and mental stagnation
The Beta Way is the personal, active and meaningful pursuit of wellness through a 360 analysis.
It is an approach to mindset, physical and emotional health with constant upgrading of our balance in thought, feelings and ability.

The process
3 Fundamental pillars in a progressive program to achieve exactly what you need from your body and mind. The Beta Way is tailored for your overall wellbeing needs.

Mental mantras

Conscious consumption

The Creators

"Humility, Discipline and Belief."

Tips To Conquer Your Morning: Slam A Glass Of Water
"A huge glass of water is the last thing I do before bed and the first thing when I wake up. Being refreshed at night helps me relax for bed and then it helps wake me up in the morning. I also use a reminder app with to help remind me to practice affirmations... Sometimes it's as simple as four words. That way the first 15-30 minutes I'm brushing my teeth and prepping for the day, I'm repeating the affirmation from the reminder." - Maillard Howell, owner at CrossFit Prospect Heights

How to master jump rope double-unders (step 1: drop the rope and clap your hands)
You’ve come a long way since your days on the playground. You’ve swapped swinging from the monkey bars forpull-ups, traded P.E. kickball for an adult kickball league, and stopped climbing trees in favor of bouldering. You’re all grown up. But there’s one childhood exercise that’s effective (and fun!) enough to take with you into adulthood: jumping rope. And double-unders are jumping rope, but harder. As the name would suggest, the rope passes under your feettwicein one jump.[...]
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